OUr expertise at 

your service

Partnering in stewardship

The Rocky Mountain Foundation is a financial services ministry called to help churches and like-minded non-profits advance the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We Provide kingdom-centric investments, loans, accounting, and more. unlike secular financial firms, our mission is not profits, but to reinvest in the kingdom.

Explore Our Services

What our partners say about us

"RMF has been nothing but encouraging and helpful. As a new church plant six years ago we had many questions about church finance and management. RMF has always been helpful, friendly and encouraging by assisting our church finance team overcoming obstacles and helped us leverage and steward our resources to be about our mission as a church."

Josh Green,

Pastor of Calvary church severance

What our partners say about us

"RMF has historically been a trusted reliable financial partner for Colorado Baptists. This made it an easy choice to reach out the RMF for help and advice.

Dave Herre,

Pastor/Elder of Calvary Church, Derby hill

What our partners say about us

"We aim to be transparent and responsible stewards of the financial resources at our church. The Ministry Health Review enabled us to achieve both goals. It highlighted areas needing improvement while reassuring our leadership and church community that our financial systems are healthy and progressing in the right direction."

Dave Herre

Pastor/Elder of Calvary Church Derby Hill

What our partners say about us

"We were able to get a better rate of return and the money we invest benefits other Colorado churches, especially small churches that struggle to get loans from banks"

Conley Shelander, 
Former Pastor of Fourway Baptist Church

How we Reinvest

The Rocky Mountain Foundation reinvests in the Kingdom by providing necessary financial services to churches and like-minded non-profits in an at-cost manner. we also provide a way for ministries to partner together financially by providing investments and loans at market rates.

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